Powered Wheelchairs – Improving Mobility

From heavy-duty to travel products, powered wheelchairs provide an outstanding benefit to an individual who is unable to move on his or her own like they desire. If you are struggling with mobility, these chairs offer a way for you to get back into your life again without physical risk.
For powered wheelchair selection, there are a variety of products available, each with ample features. Here are a few things to think about in your research:
Size and Function Matter Most for Wheelchairs
How often and where are you most likely to use your powered wheelchair? This defines the type of chair you need. A travel power chair is one option, ideal for those who need to go out routinely and who need basic help. However, power chairs with a larger design and more comfort are ideal for at home day-to-day use. Overall, be sure to choose a chair designed to accommodate your weight needs. Generally, a standard wheelchair can hold up to 300 lbs. while heavy-duty wheelchairs can support up to 600 lbs.
Powered Wheelchair Features to Consider
In looking at powered wheelchairs, many people worry about movement control. Most powered wheelchairs are controlled by a joystick and have programming controls that can be sophisticated. The key is to learn how each system works based on the amount of control you need plus how much and what type of control you can maintain.
Advantages of any type of powered wheelchair is no minimum strength is required and you can go great distances without getting tired. Just remember a powered wheelchair requires regular battery charging.
Another choice you will have is different drivetrains (mid, front or rear). Drivetrains can be a personal preference but should be considered based on the terrain that will be covered most often whether carpet, grass, dirt or pavement.
Also look at the durability of the product and features like automatic brakes or if the wheelchair has a shorter wheelbase that can help to improve maneuverability.
If you are ready to find options to fit your wheelchair needs, contact our knowledgeable team at Homepro Medical to discuss them at (800) 437-3677. Or, simply place an order for our powered wheelchairs online.