Tips and Tools for Pressure Sore Prevention

Certain medical conditions or injuries can restrict a person’s mobility, sometimes to the point that they must spend most of their time in a wheelchair or bed every day. However, individuals who spend most of their time in a wheelchair or in bed know that pressure sores are a painful reality. How can sitting or lying down cause so much pain?
The answer: pressure. The pressure created between the body and the surface it is resting on allows blood to pool, which causes skin to get red. This is the first step in the development of a pressure sore.
Pressure sores affect many people, especially those who use wheelchairs or lie in bed for long periods of time. They appear on bony areas of the body. The buttocks, elbows, hips, heels, ankles, shoulders, the back and the back of the head are common areas for pressure sores to appear.
So how can pressure sores be prevented? Here are few pieces of medical equipment that can help, as well as additional care tips.
Wheelchair Users
Pressure sores are a reality for those who use a wheelchair for most of the day. In addition to changing position frequently, wheelchair users should also try to spend time out of the wheelchair when possible.
As far as equipment to consider, here are a few items to look into:
- Tilt-in-space or reclining back wheelchairs- wheelchairs like the Solara 3G allow users to recline or tilt backwards. This small change in position increases blood flow and changes where pressure is on the body.
- Wheelchair cushions- these can range from cushions specifically designed for skin protection to positioning cushions and those that do both. Back cushions can also help prevent pressure sores from forming. Wheelchair cushions are foam, gel, or gel-foam combinations depending on their purpose.
People Who Spend Long Periods of Time in Bed
Lying in bed for long periods of time can be harmful if precautions to prevent pressure sores aren’t practiced. This includes repositioning frequently, turning and changing the elevation of the head and feet if possible.
Equipment to help prevent pressure sores includes:
- Hospital   beds– these can help by changing the elevation of the head and legs to change where pressure is placed on the body and blood flow.
- Specialty mattresses- different mattresses can provide varying benefits. Air mattress systems can alternate pressure in different places to redistribute weight automatically. Low air loss is another benefit of air mattress systems, as it keeps the wound dry and helps regulate temperature. Foam mattresses reduce the amount of pressure placed on the body with different layers of material, while mattress overlays provide an additional layer of support for sore prevention.
Two other factors can help prevent pressure sores from forming: proper nutrition and skin care. Nutritionally speaking, it is important to get a variety of vitamins and minerals while watching fat intake. Dietary supplements can also help, as can staying hydrated.
A daily skin care regimen is also crucial. Daily bathing or showering using bathing accessories helps keep possible affected areas clean of bacteria. Using talcum powder helps keep moist areas dry, and normally dry areas should be treated with moisturizing lotion. A daily inspection of trouble spots should also be performed.
Pressure sores are not only painful and irritating, but can lead to serious infections. For individuals who spend a lot of time in wheelchairs or in bed, using the correct equipment and performing a daily skin care regimen are the two best tools for pressure sore prevention.
Homepro Medical Supplies can quickly ship any of the aforementioned equipment. Air mattress systems are also available for rent for individuals in the New York City area. Simply browse, add items to your cart and check out for speedy delivery, or visit our air mattress rentals page or hospital bed rental page to reserve your air mattress system today.